Sunday, May 29, 2011

Final Case Study

This is the final case study of the year. It is unsure if we would continue on these studies.....for now, enjoy the rest. 

Our final case study revolves around our final exams. Our final exams would be presentations that would bring out new and old ideas alike. The three artifacts would be stepping stones to the presentation. 

Local Problem: 
The problem I have chosen for my presentation is one that is very well known amongst everyone in this world. It shouldn't be new to you for pretty much everyone, and I do mean everyone, talks about it today. The topic is carbon dioxide emission. The country/countries I'm going to revolve around is mainly Palau and also other islands that dwells in the seas, waiting to be devoured by the ever growing waves. Many of these islands holds astounding beauty waiting for people to go check it out. We see them as islands as tourist spots, but we don't see that there are actually many people living on these islands who are waiting for the help of the humans from the main powers. Awaiting us to finally wake up from our sleep, rub our eyes, and stretch out a bit to notice that we are killing with every carbon dioxide we emit. And actually start moving to help out these islands who are in dire need of help.

Newspaper article and Solution: 

The following is a short newspaper article I wrote to bring the people to notice the problem and actually show some effort in making a change from the solution I bring up in this article. 

Have you ever thought who suffers from global warming? Not what suffers, but who suffers? If you need any help, watch the news today, read the articles today, and watch the videos online about global warming. All those resources gives you the answers. What answers, the answers to the first question. The answer is “small islands.” To be more exact, the answers are small islands. These islands have been part of this world since humans inhabited the land, since 0 B.C. Even if it was inhabited by the natives, it’s still lands and people of this same world. 
The lands with these magnificent beauties will not stay if we keep up the pollution. The greed we throw out from our hearts is one thing the earth won’t hold if we continue like this. Literally, the more greed we seem to have equals the more CO2 we emit. 
We once thought that we can use the world as we liked, now we noticed we can’t. Even though this is the fact many people understand, it’s still not  the fact that people will take action for. Children are learning about the emission of the carbon dioxide and yet many governments are not taking much actions against carbon dioxide emission! Even when small islands turn to the main powers, the main powers would usually scan over the small islands and just go, “Ok. You seem alright at the moment, we’ll check back later.” 
I have this thought that is we children can do something that would urge the adults into action, we can actually make a big change. Something that would last, not something quick. When we march on the streets, most people would think just let them pass and it’s all over. We have to do something big enough and long enough that would grab the attention of medias. If we post pictures or even a symbol up around the area of our neighborhood, we may actually grab the attention of the media. One school, one student, one picture. If the same picture is seen over and over again, I’m pretty sure everyone would think What’s up!? When we finally get the attention of the media, we strike them with one quote from students all over the world, “Save the humans who struggles on the islands.” 

What's an Infographic?'s basically a graph that shows some statistics. But there's actually a difference in THIS graph then MOST graphs. What is it? It's not a graph, but it's actually a colorful picture that would show ideas and statistics I am trying to express here. The statistic shown below is the carbon dioxide emission in the year of 2010. 

Why Islands?? 

For this artifact, we were supposed to make a documentary for this artifact, but I didn't get a chance to carry out the assignment due to many other things. 

Why did I chose islands? The main reason is that islands is the biggest thing that drove me into thinking about global warming and carbon dioxide emission. Isn't this island beautiful? It's one of the many islands of Palau. (I don't own this picture) I've been to Palau and actually seen its natural beauty, it would really suck if we couldn't save these islands. The best activities there would be diving, snorkeling, and also eating out in the wild with the fish you caught fresh with your own hands. What shame would  it be if we destroyed this natural beauty. If we are greedy, I feel that we should be greedy and want this beauty to ourselves, driving us into wanting to keep this. 

The Palau Pacific Resort (PPR) was where I stayed at. It was started by a Japanese and mainly attracts Japanese tourists. As you can see, looking out my window, I can already see the ocean. (even though I don't own this picture, I stayed at the same room) A perfect scenery to wake up to. 

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Take a look at this video. It really saddens you to actually know that someone is fighting against the death of his tribe and country. There is only one thing missing, the support of others. They are currently fighting alone and are not winning this fight. If people would open their eyes and notice what's happening, I'm sure that they would actually gain some support and start turning the tables of this battle.