Monday, November 22, 2010

Case study 2 xD

My Second Case study xD 
Look forward to something better than the first xDD 

Artifact 1 (The American Travel Dream Co.)
 Artifact 2 (Map of Railroads)
     This transcontinental railway built during the 1800s was the first in the world. It was first thought of by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, when US was at the urge of falling about. Lincoln wanted to build a railway that runs from the Atlantic to Pacific. It would run 2000 miles long. This is the greatest line ever built and the start of the Wild West. US, brought together and fell apart with this railway.
     The construction started in the west in Sacramento, California. It was started by 4 Californian shopkeepers. Through this action, Abraham Lincoln's dream was born. The only problem is that the shopkeepers won't get money from the government unless they reach 40 miles. The start would be tough already since the west in an Industrial Desert. A man named Charles Crocker is to be the head of construction. The supply was already a problem. Adding to that, there is the Sierra Nevada that stands 14,000 feet tall. The shopkeepers has one trump card known as Theodore Judah. Judah is the greatest railroad engineer in the US.
     The Sierra Nevada is the main fear of the constructors. Though stricken with fear, Judah wanted to build the railroad over the Sierra Nevada. For that, he's also called Crazy Judah. They also have the toughest construction worker....James Harvey Strawbridge. Though they had some construction workers, once they got the money to get a shovel, they left for the gold mines.
     All hopes seems to be lost. There was almost no more workers left. Then in 1864, thousands of Chinese immigrants arrived in San Francisco. To run away from the famine there. Soon, thousands of Chinese were building the railroad. So during the summer of 1865, the 40 mile mark was finally met and the shopkeepers got millions of dollars from government aid. To reach that mark, took over two years already.
     The civil war was just over and all the wealth is going to used for the Railway. In 1866 on Nebraska, thousands of soldiers waited at the end of the line to get ready and build the railroad. Grenville Doge is the youngest civil war general and the finest railroad engineer in his generation. He works for the east side. The railroad that builds the fastest will own a huge slice of the US. There is going to be 1,200 acres of land for giveaway!! Within 6 months, the railroad advanced 40 miles to the west already! But there is one difference, they are running the railroad on the plains. This gave birth to the wild west. Jack Casement is also working for the East. Mostly for fending off the people that wants to loot the train. Jack is one of the military man with the most explosive temper. Up to 6 months, they laid out 250 miles of track which is worth 5 million dollars.
     The shopkeepers are still in the mountains when the East already laid out 250 miles of track. The chemistry guy Judah hired made a new and much stronger bomb for the rocks. Even though the bomb was powerful, many people died or were lost in the cruel mountain of the Sierras. Through three more years, they are still 30 miles away from the summit.
     By this time, Dodge is already deep in Indian Territory. A train was actually derailed by the Shian Tribe. Engine caused much fire. Dodge was infuriated. Even with just a handful of men, he prepared all of them for battle. Their work was halted. Now, the top priority is the destroy the Indians.
     They started to meet very frequent avalanches. Over that time, the death toll escalated into an unthinkable number.
     After the ambush. Seven bodies were recovered. With this, a process began. This process is to lead to one of the bloodiest chapters of US history. One of the most ruthless general in the federal army named William Sherman was hired. That started the Sue and Shian extermination. But the Indians don't have a choice. They were afraid and the railroad is affecting their lifestyles. At this time, the East is already 500 miles away from the starting point. Meaning they are in Wyoming.
     The trains of the west was developed to have smaller wheels for one purpose only. That purpose was because the railroad on the mountains are not straight. The small wheels allows the train to twist and turn more safely and swiftly. Since there are giant trestles hundreds of feet tall, there is another crazy thing. The train is going to be run under the snow.
     Dodge is furious. He is pretty close to the mountains now, meaning the rivers will be affected by the rain easily. When the snow melts, rivers became raging rapids. During the fall, there is nothing but rain. Now Dodge is kind of stuck right after he took care of the Indians.
     They finally got to an area where the land is flat! Plateau, hundreds of miles of plateau. Crazy things happen a lot while they build this. This time, it's a tunnel measuring 1,600 feet right through the granite!! But this is a burden on Chinese laborers. They are now all sleeping and working in cabins made of snow. Finally, the Chinese men can barely take it. The lack of food is getting on their nerves. Strawbridge is on their side. Crockers wanted to starve the Chinese. Finally, Crockers gave in and the Chinese kept on working.
     Mr. Durant have been robbing from Dodge this whole time. Illegally charging the US government double the amount of what is needed. Keeping the "extra" amount. This means that 20k dollars finds its ways into Durants pockets this whole time. He is even the director! Dodge did not know at first until Charles Adams found out and told Dodge about it. Dodge threatened to quit if Durant doesn't quit. Finally, Durant quits. This was one of the biggest swindles in US history.
      After five more years, the tunnel's light could finally been seen. The West is free of the mountains.
     Durant finally agreed to quit.
     After the two trains are almost together, a point is placed in Utah. that is where the tracks are going to meet. The first train to get there will get a large amount of money. Chinese workers laid 300 miles of track across Nevada in three months.
     Has a remarkable pace.

     April 30th, 1869
     The west side makes its way into Utah. They have won. They are now six years and 700 miles from the first shovel in Sacramento, California. It was notified that the East was delayed by rain for one day.
     May 10th, 1869
     The two companies finally meets face to face only one track apart. The final track was laid by both Chinese and American workers. This track, took the lives of over 2,000 men.

1. Building of a Modern Economy is what I believe takes place here. Why? Because the East and West US was once separated by one thing.......wilderness. Now, thanks to the transcontinental railway. The US seems more, US.
2. I chose this artifact because it's significance is high. Showing the first transcontinental railway in the world AND showing the US getting united under that track. It took me a long time (the drawing). Even longer for the typing. A few hours or so.
3. I gained the understandings and timeline of major events during this creation. This artwork.
4. This artifact does reflect on my best work for one reason, the artwork. My classmate saw this and didn't believe I drew it! Success!!
5. I demand a 5 for this!! Just kidding. A 4.5 would be enough.
Artifact 3 (Google Earth: Lewis and Clark Expedition) 
Artifact 4 (Gapminder Analysis)
Artifact 5 (Primary Source Evaluation: OPVL)
Death of Billy the Kid, 1881
here is the link
     The primary source I am going to use is the document called the Death of Billy the Kid. This article did not have a creator, so I am showing the republisher called Robert Utley. He republished it on 1954 when it is published on 1882. I believe the publisher would be EyeWitness to History.
     The document existed to tell the story of Billy the Kid. The author created this piece of work to show the story of Billy the Kid, and how smart he was. The format chosen by the author was to show the series of events of the Kid happened. The author wanted us to get the idea of the dates and reasons of his killings. The intended audience seemed to be scholars and yet high schoolers. The author had a story telling tone throughout the article. This document "says" the wits and guts of the Kid. It shows the betrayal of friends. The Kid was betrayed, or else he would have never died there(Last Paragraph). Also friendship. The Kid would have never killed people if John Tunstall never died (2nd Paragraph).
     The author is a great storyteller. Even through his/her writing and not a real reading from the author in person, I can feel the effort placed into the piece of writing. The time period of this piece seems pretty modern. Though the date states a few years ago already, I get the feeling that the story has been revised over and over to fit the style of the modern world. The piece was created with only one intention, to tell a story. The story of Billy the Kid. To tell the story of a boy, stricken with hatred, seeking revenge to the people he hates. This piece of writing shows all this in a pleasant manner. Billy the Kid is still a killer and always will be a killer. Even if he is just avenging for a friend. The particular "side" of this document seems more biased towards the working government. The author favors the government.
      The point of view this document does not tell from is the view of the Kid. The content of the piece can be verified by many other stories of witnesses written by different authors. This story has already been published years ago, meaning it must have been approved by some point. Something is left out of the story. When the Kid disappeared, the author just skips through that whole time when they couldn't find the Kid. I got the feeling that no one was putting in any effort to capture or kill the Kid. The author may have felt that this part was unimportant. When the Kid left his family, I feel that one important thing was left out. What about his other family members? Did no one really try to stop him from leaving??
1. This artifact relates to The Human Mind. Weird isn't it? I found it connecting really well once I saw the word "revenge". Humans want revenge. That is what they seek when bad things dawns on them. The part where the Kid screams "¿Quien es? ¿Quein es?" shows fear. Fear overtakes human minds' calmness easily.
2. I chose this document because it seems interesting. I saw the word Kid and I had a sudden rush of pity through my body. Death and Kid just doesn't fit together. I got interested so I entered. This took me  over an hour to complete. It's really hard for me because I am not the best at OPVL analysis.
3. I learned of a new person with great impact in US history, Billy the Kid.
4. This artifact does not reflect on my best work for sure. Super hard. But I placed effort into it (crosses fingers and hopes I get a good grade). Again, I am not good at OPVL analysis.
5. I hope of getting a 2 at least for trying.
Artifact 6 (Idea Page on Civil War)

This is part of the timeline I wrote down on my notebook during class. It is really little information because I didn't space out my notes really well. I will post the website here as soon as our school website is fixed. Sorry about the delay.

1. This one must be Race Relations, the Abolition of Slavery, Segregation, and Anti-Semitism. I believe it is like this because this is the American Civil War. Isn't almost what this whole war is about?
2. I chose the timeline because it is much neater and is not such an eyesore to look at.
3. I learned much about the Civil War and a lot of names. I didn't know so many people became famous thanks to the Civil War.
4. This artifact clearly does not reflect on my best work because it is class notes.
5. I need get like a -1 for this.

Artifact 7 (Google sketch-up. Civil War battleground)
Artifact 8 (Student Choice)
The Stamps collection
This artifact is based on the collection of stamps from my father. (credits to my father)
It is through two stamp collection books of 1994, 1995, and 1999. If you are also a collector of stamps in the US, I am pretty sure that you also have this book of stamps in your collection somewhere.

   The main item I'm going to talk about here is the California Gold Rush. The California Gold rush was first started in January 24, 1848. When a lone man noticed something sparkling in a stream in the foothills of the sierra nevada. That man was James Marshall, a carpenter. He scooped up several gold flakes but didn't noticed that he had just started the largest gold rush in US history.
      Almost after a year, President James K. Polk announced to Congress that there was an abundance of gold in California. The land was recently acquired in treaty that ended the war with Mexico.
      Four years later, thousand of impassioned people came over to California with one dream, to get rich. California's population escalated to about 250,000. Many young man left their jobs to seek for gold. Almost all used simple tools such as "rockers" and "long toms" to separate gold with gravel. The work caused excruciating pain and it was backbreaking. The gold fever caused discouragement.
      The reports of success keeps coming in! In the short time of 1850s to the 60s, thousand more secured their share of the wealth. The population grew with the promise of gold. Later on, when there was no more gold to be found, the population shrank again. the total amount of gold mined by the end of the 50s was $594 million. Although many gained wealth, many more lost their wealth. Even James Marshall ended up in poverty.
1. This artifact best relates to Human Movement and Migration. The topic connects with the California Gold Rush is really obvious. Because workers wanted wealth, so they moved to California. In the passage I wrote, I stated the escalation and shrinking of the population due to the gold.
2. I chose to do the California Gold rush because it had a great impact on many lives of the Americans. This artifact took me a long time to actually come to. The main part was writing and finding stamps in my father's stamp collection. He started collecting in 1991 I believe. He still collects them. The writing is tough, but not too tough. I have the stamp book as a reference and the internet in from of me.
3. I always though the gold rush started in the 1900s. After making this, I finally noticed that it started in 1848. I actually have been to the area where the gold rush happened. Separating gold from gravel, is a long and tedious work.
4. I am sure that this artifact reflects on my best work (only the writing part). I'm actually quite proud of this piece of writing I wrote.
5. I think I should get a 5 on this artifact.
Artifact 9 (Student Choice)
Buffalo Bill
This little artwork was created by me. It is of Buffalo Bill. It's only meant to have the face for a reason....the hair is just way too hard and I am running out of materials. Even though, it took me a long time to create the statue. Enjoy! :)
      This is Buffalo Bill. His full name it William Frederick Cody. He's born in February 26, 1846 in the Iowa Territory, and died in January 10, 1917. He was an American soldier and a bison (bison, also known as American Buffalo) hunter and showman. He's one of the most famous figure of the American Old West. Buffalo Bill actually received the Medal of Honor in 1872.

      The nickname was given to him was after he killed 4,280 American Buffalos in eight months (1867~68). The nickname was actually first held by a guy known as Bill Comstock. Comstock was infuriated and challenged Cody to a shootout match. Cody won.
Cody's mother wished to enlist him as an American Soldier. But he refused due to his age at that time. He worked to deliver supplies to Fort Laramie. In 1863, he enlisted as teamster with the rank of Private in Company H, 7th Kansas Cavalry and served until discharged in 1865.

After that, starting from 1868 until 1872, Cody was employed as a scout by the US Army. He spent part of his time scouting for Indians and the remainder of his time was spent on killing bison for the Kansas Pacific Railroad. On January of 1872, Cody was a scout for the Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia's highly publicized royal hunt.

So why did Cody receive the Medal of Honer?? He received it in 1872 for "gallantry in action" while serving as a civilian scout. It was for the 3rd Cavalry Regiment. But in 1917, the US congress revoked 911 of the medals given out because it was just civilian actions and the standards were raised. But after Dr. Mary Edwards Walker's medals was restored in 1977, Cody had his medal re-instated on June 12, 1989 with four other civilians.

That was a basic outline of the short story of how Buffalo Bill came to be and why he received the Medal of Honor. Thank you for reading this.

1. This reflects to The Universe Seen through a microscope. For me, this main topic means that we only saw the actions of that particular person in one way and relates it to the Law and the standards. So I related this to the Medal of Honor given to Buffalo Bill and taken away and then restoring it. It was all standards and Laws. Once given, they shouldn't take it back again.
2. I was always really fascinated with Buffalo Bill. What's more? I love these artworks. It's fun and messy. I spent a lot of time trying to create this statue. Although it took a little more than three hours, I am really happy with the result.
3. I learned how Cody's name came to be. I always wondered, "Why is this guy called Buffalo? He's not African American. His real name is not even close to Bill. So why?" Even though I asked that question a lot, I always forget to go search him up when I come into contact with a computer.
4. This artifact reflects perfectly with my best work. It took forever. I am really an art person.....sometimes.
5. 5 all the way!! I loved the process of creating this and hopes to do another one for Case Study number 3.
6. This artifact was really enjoying to do. I really liked it and hoped to make better creations in the future.
Artifact 10 (Student Choice)
A basic Poem I wrote for the "Trail of Tears" 
The city we loved with all our hearts,
is burned alive and torn apart.
But our feet keep moving to the land of the west,
with tears of sadness, while hoping for the best.
The white men, strong and violent,
killed many of us, sudden and silent.
We look forward, to a vast praire
our hearts pounded, as our voices shout,
"Here we are."

They won't move, those Indians.
Stubborn and violent, those Indians.
Fought against them, those Indians.
Three Seminole Wars, those Indians.
We forced their move, those Indians.
Move to the west, those Indians.

Basically, the Trail of Tears was a move for the Indians knowns as the Cherokees. During the move, 4000 of the 15000 died. It was full of pain. They walk on, heading towards the promised land. Force out of the East where they once inhabited. They walk on in fear of death. They walk on, for the best.

Check out these sites for more info.:
Information of North Georgia

1. This artifact would bear the main topic of Class Consciousness. It is like this because the migrant Americans believes that they are higher ups than the Native Americans. That is why this artifact fits into Class Consciousness.
2. I chose this artifact for one reason, to share the Trail of Tears through my poems. To let people know what their ancestors have once done to the Native Americans. To let them know that the land they stand on does not rightfully belong to the US. This one only took me thirty minutes for I am quick at writing poems.
3. I read a lot about the Trail of Tears. I didn't know that so many tribes actually inhabited the southern area of the Thirteen Colonies at that time.
4. I seriously do not know if this is my best work. I feel that it's stuck in the middle.
5. I'm getting a 0 on this one.
Artifact 11 (Student Choice) 
To "Rock" a Battle (Battle of Gettysburg)
June 30, 1863

"I shall carry with me to the grave the most grateful recollections of your kind consideration, & your name & fame will always be dear to me. Save in the defense of my native State, I never desire again to draw my sword."
Robert E. Lee to General Winfield Scott,
Resigning his commission with the US Army.

We heard that General Robert Lee seems to be advancing towards this area with soldiers of high spirits. He already won at Chancellorsville in Virginia during the May of 1863. He can't be serious. Though I hope he isn't serious, he is. It came from a lookout based off the Union's main camp. As a rock, I can't really do anything but wait. Wait for someone to kick me to the side, safe from battle range. I see children coming this way. Yes, come this way. Pick me up and bring me to your little games. I must be dreaming, how can they be here to play? They must be here to check on the army. If I die, I will have to leave my fellow rocks. I don't want to become sand. The sand I lay on. Sand.

July 1, 1863
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union. It would be an accumulation of all the evils we complain of, and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation."
Col. Robert E. Lee, U.S.A. in a letter to his son Custis, January 23, 1861

It has started. Everything turned into chaos. I don't see the General anywhere near. I wonder how the northwest and north are doing. I have a bad feeling for them. The low ridge here at the northwest seems to be holding off pretty well. But General Robert Lee isn't here. The main attack must be somewhere else. Suddenly, a heavy foot stepped on me. It hurts so much. It was quickly removed. Seems like other corps of the Union infantry came over to assist the area. I was kicked around as the battle rages and the hurt was rushed off in different areas. I saw my starting position. There, the grass has already gone dry and nothing else was left other than mud. I closed my eyes and hoped that this would be over soon. A sudden blow like a bullet got me by surprise and I blacked out.

As I rose to my senses, I noticed I am now right beside the door to the Union camp. I also noticed it's nighttime. I looked into the tent. There are many beds and groanings of others. What is happening? Then I heard talking. To the closest bed on the right I heard a conversation. Sounds like a damage report. But the soldier saying it was just saying it, no respect in his voice. I guessed it was just to a friend. I heard that the two large Confederate corps assaulted the Union from the northwest and north. It collapsed the hastily developed Union lines, sending the defenders retreating through the streets of town to the hill just to the south. That sums up the whole conversation.

July 2, 1863
"He Lost a War and Won Immortality" Louis Redmond

The second day, both armies fought with renewed hopes as I heard. I wasn't there, and I was glad. I could hear gunshots far away. As long as this area does not get attacked, I am sure that I will be fine. Bam, bam, bam. Guns repeatedly fired. Men screamed in pain as they get hit by a bullet. I know that I am far away from the war, but I still feel afraid. Wanting to run away. Wanting to disappear. Other rocks were talking about all the battles. It was known that the Union line was laid out in a defensive formation that looks like a J (a fishhook in other words, a J due to the rocks' lack of knowledge with the human vocabulary). I heard that Lee launched heavy assault on the Union's left flank. Fighting raged at Little Round Top, the Wheatfield, Devil's Den, and the Peach Orchard. To the right of the Union, demonstrations escalated into full-scale assaults on Culp's Hill and Cemetery hill. I was surprised to hear this many battles going on while the gunshots seems to only be coming from one direction. It's like the blasts are meant to be in complete sync. I was much more surprised to hear that the Unions held their lines despite the number of losses they have suffered. 

July 3, 1863
"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect that it will cease to be divided. It will become all the one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward until it shall become alike lawful in all the states, old as well as new, north as well as south."
Abraham Lincoln, June 16, 1858, Address to the Republican Convention

Fighting on Culp's Hill seems to never end. The men just marched on us. Hey! We are rocks but we have feelings too!! Every Union fighter ran to the east and south, assisting their comrades. The fight continued. I noticed one thing. The cries became more massive. There seems to be a massive charge from the areas of Cemetery Ridge. I heard that the Confederates just launched 12,500 people into battle at Cemetary Ridge. It's so harsh, you are always so curious about something but you just can't move. For your information, rocks don't have feet. So I just sat there and listened to the news around me. After a long while, cheers were heard. A Union messenger dashed past with a smile on his face. Looks like the battle is over. The Union has won the turning point of the American Civil War.


George G. Meade


Casualties and losses:
3,155 killed, 14,531 wounded, 5,369 captured/missing

Robert E. Lee


Casualties and Losses:
4,708 killed, 12,693 wounded, 5,530 captured/missing

Union Victory

1. The main topic that this artifact relates to is the Balance of Power I believe. This battle just gives me the feeling that the power greatly shifts after the results. Shifting from the Confederates to the Union.
2. I chose this artifact because it seems to be an important battle during the Civil War because it was a turning point in the war. It took me around three hours to complete this because it's not easy to write from a point of view of a rock, and it's long.
3. I learned a lot about the Battle of Gettysburg.
4. This artifact reflects on my best work. I really like to write these weird stories. I'm just a storyteller that enjoys writing weird things. I enjoyed this one a lot.
5. I should get a 4 for this artifact.

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